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Thursday, February 06, 2014


WiFi – The Invisible Killing Fields

“There are no safe levels of radiation.” -Barrie Trower, Physicist and former Military expert on Microwave Radiation

The mass rollout of Wifi over the past decade has been phenomenal as to how integrated it has become in all facets of our society and our personal lives. Yet few have asked the most important of all questions, ‘Is it Safe?’ At what levels does ever increasing Wifi become dangerous to human health? Can it, or, is it affecting our electronic bodies, our well being and our abilities to think? And to what degree, if any, do invisible radio and microwave frequencies begin to affect our own DNA structures?

Over the past few years, and secretly for decades, scientific and medical evidence has shown conclusively that the low frequency pulsed radio and microwave frequencies are causing significant damage to our cells resulting in extreme increases in autism, heart irregularities, brain wave changes, cancer and generational fertility destruction in males but even more significantly in females. The most prominent changes due to WiFi radiation though is with our children and teenagers due to their developing immune systems and thinner skeletal structures:


“As stated by University Researchers, Government Scientists and International Scientific Advisors; a minimum of 57.7% of schoolgirls exposed to low-level microwave radiation (Wi-fi) are at risk of suffering stillbirth, fetal abnormalities or genetically damaged children, when they give birth. Any genetic damage may pass to successive generations.” (source)

Federal and Global regulations only deal with thermal heat exposure caused by laptops and such. They completely ignore the real dangers of low frequency radiation. An example to compare the two is that you can microwave your food yet the inside of the box stays cool because radiation only cooks the food at the cellular level as opposed to a regular oven that heats the whole box with conventional heating. This is one of the major Big Lie’s being perpetrated on us with WiFi radiation, as thee are omitting critical measurements in order to assure us WiFi is safe.

The near future plans by our Federal government and Big Telecom are for massive increases in Wifi, with an estimated profit potential of $3.2 Trillion (summary and power point presentation). Everything from monitoring vital signs in our bodies, to running our traffic signals, to providing remote-less control of our homes through WiFi waves, to reading our body language, to turning on and off our home systems and conveniences (source). Google is implementing ‘Project Loon’ to install balloons around the globe to wirelessly connect all 7 billion people. (source)

The Big WiLie

The U.S. Navy has known for decades, since at least 1976, of the significant inherent dangers in using Wifi but have only summarized the results in military terms of ‘who can we harm’ and ‘can we be attacked’ (source). The Telecom Industry buried the effects by claiming that only heat can causes problems with wifi, when in fact study after study after study has shown that it is the low wave, pulsed, non-ionized radiation used in RF and Microwave lengths that is disrupting our systems at the molecular level. Cell phone and other low frequency Wifi affect and alter our human cells, as filmed in this blood analysis when exposed to RF/Microwaves:

Governments and Big Telecom have gotten away with foisting Wifi on all of us, knowing the deep health risks, yet due to the difficult legal connections between invisible radiation, the length of time it takes to get sick from WiFi exposure and the legality escape clause of ‘plausible deniability,’ they have continued to enjoy blanket immunity. Additionally, in Big Business where no one goes to jail and the regulators are in bed with the corporations, they can hide inconvenient truths from the public, free from fear of prosecution.

Sadly, a brand new ‘silent’ dis-ease has developed due to our brave new Wifi’d world called Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity Disorder (EHS). This is where people’s basic vibrational frequencies have been altered due to too much exposure to WiFi and they are subsequently forced to move into the country or develop extreme shielding methods in order to not be in pain and suffering from Wifi. These new ‘EMF (Electromagnetic Frequency) Refugees’ that have been ‘tweaked’ by Wifi have not been able to reverse their new disability. It is yet to be seen how this new disease is going to be impacting youth, but there is much evidence already that WiFi is causing distinct behavior modifications in our youth today. (source)

“…and healthcare insurance companies and even Lloyds of London will not insure against wifi expousres…and they insure everything! that should tell us all something very important to know and understand.” (source)

The Obama Administration is making sure that no regulatory oversight will be taking place in the future with his recent appointment of Big Cell Phone and Telecom lobbyist, David Wheeler, to the post of Top wireless government regulator. (source)


The global Wifi buildout is most likely unstoppable at this point so we must take protection and precaution as best we can. (source)

Many parents are bringing this critical information to their schools and demanding the schools get wired instead of wireless. In our homes we can get wired, return to land lines and keep cell phones off and away from your bodies when in use. For a couple hundred bucks you can have an expert in EMF (Electromagnetic Frequencies) come and do a reading at your home and office and check your home wiring, which also emits radiated energy, often right next to our beds where we sleep. (source)


“Cherish the friend who tells you a harsh truth, wanting ten times more to tell you a loving lie.” ~Robert Brault

In the previous TABU, ‘Your Mind, Their Control’, we covered serious issues relating to powers being used covertly to access our minds through the subliminal use of radio or microwave frequencies to sell products and possibly social engineer large groups of people (make us fear, have anxiety, be lethargic and unquestioning to the PTB, impulse shop, etc.) without the individual even knowing deliberate programming has taken place.

All that are exposed to WiFi (who isn’t?) need to read a critically important secret document entitled ‘Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars‘ at the end of this piece. From the SWQW document:

“When a silent weapon is applied gradually, the public adjusts/adapts to its presence and learns to tolerate its encroachment on their lives until the pressure (psychological via economic) becomes too great and they crack up. Therefore, the silent weapon is a type of biological warfare. It attacks the vitality, options, and mobility of the individuals of a society by knowing, understanding, manipulating, and attacking their sources of natural and social energy, and their physical, mental, and emotional strengths and weaknesses.” (source)

In this document, that was allegedly put together by our shadow government (source), there are plans being enacted under all of our radar screens to reduce the population, to keep us unhealthy, out of balance and dumbed down while keeping our lives distracted with sex, ads, 24 hour sports and consumerism through the use of slow killing technology, foods and vaccines that cannot be traced back to the source.

The SWQW document describes in cold, hard detail how to manipulate and control us ‘useless eaters’, as Dr. Henry Kissinger has called us, using silent weapon technology like Wifi radiation to diminish population growth and to create a ‘more maleable society’. Please never forget that this silent group of shadow people have been in power for a very long time, who still remain relatively anonymous and who have spent big bucks, time and energy to etch in the finest of granite what is being called ‘The American Stonehenge’, The Georgia Guidestones, just north of Atlanta, GA. The first ‘commandment’ of the ten etched in stone is to “Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature.” That is an 84% reduction from our current global population. To dismiss this action by a secret cabal who had very clear intentions and put it on display for all to see for time eternal is a very dangerous assumption to make given documentation like SWQW that describes how this population reduction could be achieved. (source)



Electromagnetic Spectrum - This diagram shows the electromagnetic spectrum, ionising and non-ionising sections, and typical sources of electromagnetic fields.

Just as a refresher course — electromagnetic radiation consists of an electrical field plus a magnetic field which each oscillate perpendicular to one another as they travel through space. Amplitude is the height or breath of the wave. As said above, frequency is the waves per specific time frame, usually seconds, from extremely low frequency radiation (ELF) which have longer wavelengths (longer wavelengths are measured in megahertz) up to short gamma rays where the wavelengths are extremely close together. Rays with shorter wavelengths can carry more information and more energy.

There are two factors to be aware of in regard to wireless technologies. There is the radiation between handset and base station and then there is the information-carrying radio wave (ICRW). Microwave radiation carries the voice/data information by means of modulations.

Scientists are now observing that pulsed information transfer by microwaves triggers biological effects. Even the lowest pulsed frequency might not be safe. Wireless technologies pulse radiation in an organized fashion and these pulses interfere with the various biochemical processes going on in the body. Just as electromagnetic interference from wireless technologies interferes with an airplane’s or a hospital’s equipment — so it is too with our inner processes. We are electrochemical/electromagnetic creatures, as can be experienced when hooked up to a electroencephalogram (EEG, a test that measures and records the electrical activity of the brain) or an electrocardiogram (EKG or ECG, a test that checks for problems with the electrical activity of the heart).

Since Wifi is everywhere and everyone has sold out to its use, it is difficult to mitigate the effects. One way is to wire your homes with ethernet cables, switch your phones back to old land lines, or order wireless phones that broadcast less radiation (source). Look on the website, Antenna Search to see what cell towers are in your area and get your home, office and schools to have a EMF (electro magnetic frequency) reading done.

Watercress seeds not exposed to Wi-Fi radiation



Watercress seeds placed next to Wi-Fi router


The amazing story of Dr. George Carlo’s team of blue ribbon panel experts in 1999 conducting the largest study ever for wifi radiation in cell phones FOR the communications industry and found significant radiation impacts, mostly affecting children. The results were buried by the Big Telecom Industry in 1999 so Dr. Carlo wrote a book about this coverup called: Cell Phones.

“George Carlo, PhD, JD, is an epidemiologist and medical scientist who, from 1993 to 1999, headed the first telecommunications industry-backed studies into the dangers of cell phone use. That program remains the largest in the history of the issue. But he ran afoul of the very industry that hired him when his work revealed preventable health hazards associated with cell phone use.

Today there are more than two billion cell phone users being exposed every day to the dangers of electromagnetic radiation (EMR)—dangers government regulators and the cell phone industry refuse to admit exist. Included are: genetic damage, brain dysfunction, brain tumors, and other conditions such as sleep disorders and headaches. The amount of time spent on the phone is irrelevant, according to Dr. Carlo, as the danger mechanism is triggered within seconds. Researchers say if there is a safe level of exposure to EMR, it’s so low that we can’t detect it.

The cell phone industry is fully aware of the dangers. In fact, enough scientific evidence exists that some company’s service contracts prohibit suing the cell phone manufacturer or service provider, or joining a class action lawsuit. Still, the public is largely ignorant of the dangers, while the media regularly trumpets new studies showing cell phones are completely safe to use. Yet, Dr. Carlo points out, “None of those studies can prove safety, no matter how well they’re conducted or who’s conducting them.” What’s going on here? While the answer in itself is simplistic, how we got to this point is complex.” (source)


“Let’s deal with the most important question first,” he said as he stood behind a pile of documents neatly grouped and tied with string. “With low level microwaves, and lower level is actually more dangerous than a high level, with low level microwaves is there any proof? Let’s deal with the proof argument first. More than you would probably imagine – there are 8,300 military papers proving microwaves cause severe neurological and physiological damage. There are seven high court cases now against the industry showing that they will cause this. There are 12 epidemiological studies. There are another 19 legal judgements around the world – by mayors, magistrates or people who have the ability to make a legal judgement. The industry themselves, this is what they say about the microwaves that children are walking around using.” Barrie Trower (source)


Here is another one…


September 2013: ‘WiFi – A Thalidomide in the Making. Who Cares?’ (source)

Over the past few years a true hero, Barrie Trower has endured the attacks of global corporations, media and governments to bring out his scientific findings about the harmful affects of LMF radiation. His focus has been on the effects of Wifi in schools with children and it is absolutely chilling what he is finding.

In the report he found the following:

“As stated by University Researchers, Government Scientists and International Scientific Advisors; a minimum of 57.7% of schoolgirls exposed to low-level microwave radiation (Wi-fi) are at risk of suffering stillbirth, fetal abnormalities or genetically damaged children, when they give birth. Any genetic damage may pass to successive generations.”


Professor John R Goldsmith, Researcher and International/Advisor Consultant for R.F. Communication, Epidemiology and Communications Sciences Advisor to the World Health Organisation, Military and University Advisor, wrote concerning the low level exposure of microwave irradiation (below thermal level) incident upon women:

“Of the microwave-exposed women, 47.7% had miscarriages prior to the 7th week of pregnancy….”

A distinction here must be made and a very important one: schoolgirls are not women. Schoolgirls are children and children are both neurologically and physiologically different from adults. A child’s brain tissue / bone marrow has different electrical conductivity properties than adults due to the higher water content (this renders the Specific Absorption Rate obsolete). Children’s absorption of microwave radiation can be ten times higher than adults. Permanent low-level microwave exposure can induce chronic nitrosative and oxidative ‘stress’ thence, damage the cellular mitochondria (mitochondropathy). This ‘stress’ can cause irreversible mitochondrial DNA damage (mitochondrial DNA is ten times more susceptible to oxidative and nitrosative ‘stress’ than the DNA in the cell nucleus). Mitochondrial DNA is irreparable due to its low histone protein content, therefore any damage (genetic or otherwise) can be transmitted to all successive generations through the maternal line.

Hence, we are subjecting each successive female generation to harm. Whether these two ten-fold increases ‘merge’ to become 57.7% or are additional, thence equal 67.7% of those to suffer, is a moot point. Either way we are facing the equivalent of a pandemic. I was invited to present a lecture at Brighton University recently and one Doctor commented on a +60% fetal birth rate damage from exposed farm animals. All mammalian species will of course suffer the same consequence resulting from low-level microwave irradiation. There is very little difference ‘biologically’ between our embryonic cells.

The problem is that these developing follicle cells do not have the cellular protection of mature adult cells. Consequently your ‘Grandchild’ may have had every single follicle cell irradiated and damaged prior to its conception. Therefore when your child becomes an adult (with its irradiated follicles) there is a greater likelihood of its child (your Grand-daughter) suffering the ailments previously mentioned, during conception / embryonic and foetal development stages.

Beyond Belief

The shocking truth is, not only was all of this known and documented long before wi-fi was ever put in front of children, but the dangerous biological effects were concealed (as they are to this day) from the general public, in order to protect the industry’s profit.

I invite the Reader to peruse my diagram and / or read my simple explanation concerning the microwaving of the ovarian follicles in schoolgirls, (source) and for a more detailed account of Mr. Trower’s lecture on the dangers of wifi on children and his body of work see here.


Schools Beginning to rebel against Wifi in schools

Martha Herbert, PhD, MD of Harvard Medical School, a neurologist and neuroscientist who is also on the staff at Massachusetts General Hospital, cautions Los Angeles Unified School District on the use of WiFi in schools. (Source)

Dr.Herbert says:

“Current technologies were designed and promulgated without taking account of biological impacts other than thermal impacts. We now know that there are a large array of impacts that have nothing to do with the heating of tissue. The claim from wifi proponents that the only concern is thermal impacts is now definitively outdated scientifically.”

“EMF/RFR from wifi and cell towers can exert a disorganizing effect on the ability to learn and remember, and can also be destabilizing to immune and metabolic function. This will make it harder for some children to learn, particularly those who are already having problems in the first place.”

“Powerful industrial entities have a vested interest in leading the public to believe that EMF/RFR, which we cannot see, taste or touch, is harmless, but this is not true. Please do the right and precautionary thing for our children. I urge you to step back from your intention to go wifi in the LAUSD, and instead opt for wired technologies, particularly for those subpopulations that are most sensitive.”

Dr. Herbert also directs the Cure Autism Now Foundation’s Brain Development Initiative and is the Co-Chair of the Environmental Health Advisory Board of the Autism Society of America. Her recent compilation of the science potentially associating EMF exposure with autism, a chapter in the recent BioInitiative Report, can be found here.

Schools are now opting out of Wireless to get Wired around the globe. here are 3 exampes:


Live Analysis of Blood being Altered by Wifi Radiation:

WiFi from Laptop can Damage Sperm DNA

Using a laptop with the WiFi turned on may damage sperm, according to a landmark study on the effects of microwave radiation on sperm. The study was presented at the meeting of the American Society for Reproductive Medicine in Denver, Colorado.

“This is the first scientific study showing that a laptop computer connected by WiFi may damage DNA and decrease sperm mobility in only four hours,” said Conrado Avendano, Research Director at the Nascentis Reproductive Medical Centre in Argentina.

Previous studies on microwave radiation from cell phones found that the radiation from a cell phone can decrease sperm quality, and advised against men carrying cell phones in their pant pocket. This new study is the first to investigate the impact of microwave radiation from wifi-enabled laptops on sperm. In four hours of exposure, the scientists found decreased sperm motility and DNA damage.


WiFi Alters Heartbeats Studies Find

In public schools across Canada, some children are reporting racing heart rates while in school. The Safe School Committee has received letters from parents who are frightened and confused. Their children are undergoing extensive medical testing but getting no answers from doctors. In Simcoe County, one young student was scheduled for exploratory heart surgery at Sick Children’s hospital in Toronto to find out why she was having heart problems. Once the girl was out of school for the summer, the symptoms disappeared and the surgery was cancelled.

A recent peer reviewed study in the European Journal of Oncology proved again that microwave radiation can alter people’s heart rate. An investigative news report on Global Television demonstrated these sudden changes at microwave radiation levels far below Health Canada`s Safety Code 6.

Click here for a Global News report demonstrating how people’s heart rate can change when exposed to microwave radiation from devices such as WiFi.

Click here for the most recent study proving low-level microwave radiation can affect the heart.

Click here to watch a video presentation of the study.


Current Safety Standards

The regulation of our health and safety as to the transmission of wireless energy waves has been given to the globally acceptable standards of the International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protefction (ICNIRP) with full approval by our Federal Communications Commission (FCC). These standards do not even cover the long, low wave micro and radio frequencies, except for the industry standard. So if someone feels warmth from their laptop for over one hour they should stop. Additionally, microwave pulsed alternating current energy does not even heat (its not hot when you stick your hand in a microwave but is when put in an oven), so in effect there is no standard at all set for the safe use of wifi low magnetic frequency use!

The ICNIRP (International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection) is responsible for monitoring and creating guidelines for radiation technologies. The ICNIRP guidelines focus exclusively on high frequency radiation and thermal activity. But, many scientists have been pointing out that pulsed microwaves at low frequencies are also cause for alarm. Yet there are no guidelines for non-thermal, low-frequency radiation.

In other words, the only tests performed for these technologies are thermal (testing whether the radiation can heat an object and cause harm due to that heating) or for frequency and height (if the wave length is high and close together radiation causes immediate harm). Gamma waves are high frequency as they are generated by radioactive atoms in nuclear explosions. So, heat and frequency/height are the only two criteria the commission tests for. (Source)

The Big WiLie; Has anyone asked “Is It Safe”?

As you can read below, the health safety standards that were set for wifi, cell phones, smart meters, etc. only deals with high frequency radiation and thermal radiation. Doctors and scientists are screaming to disclose the fact that it is the non-ionizing low wave, non thermal radiation that is causing cellular destruction in our bodies that is resulting in severe increases in autism in children and low fertility rates. At the end of this you can read a document entitled ‘Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars’ which is alleged to penned in secret as to hidden agenda by our Shadow Government to depopulate the world’s population using exactly these type of means.

The FCC, EPA, NIH and the International Governing bodies have refused to examine the plethora of medical and scientific evidence showing that cellular destruction of our bodies is being caused by low magnetic frequencies, not heat and not by higher frequency waves. It is the canary in the coal mine.

Thermal Heating vs. Low pulsed non-ionized radiation

It helps to think of how a microwave works to heat food vs. an oven. After microwave heating you can stick your hand inside and feel no heat but your food has been zapped and cooked. An oven heats the entire box. We are being zapped but it is not caused by the heat of the WiFi.

Thus, with the new ‘safety level’, effects were recognized only if they showed ‘heating’ or ‘thermal effects’ This is the stance of Big Telecom, Military, Industry etc. Heating does occur at much higher levels than what a cell phone etc. can typically cause you to notice. However, heating still occurs at low levels as cells are being oscillated back and forth millions or billions of times per second, from multiple devices at multiple frequencies, 24/7. Even if heat is not detectable at all, you are causing great destruction.

The stance of advocates against this technology, science, the laws of electricity and physics say we are vulnerable at levels far below ‘thermal effects’, this being called ‘non-thermal’. That is your controversy explained, right there. They say nothing happens until you heat up. ‘We’ say you are disrupting every cell, frequency, signal and nerves of the body.

Remember, admitting this would instantly hold the military and telecoms accountable for untold numbers of deaths and diseases that have occurred. Liability is being avoided for the sake of profit, which in the end is the true driver of this technology.

Federal Communications Comission (FCC) Health Non-Standards

The FCC completely punts any question of health safety on LMF transmissions and defers to privately funded agencies and corporate lobbyist organizations to monitor any effects:

“While there is no federally developed national standard for safe levels of exposure to radio frequency (RF) energy, many federal agencies have addressed this important issue. In addition to the Federal Communications Commission, federal health and safety agencies such as the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) and the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) have been actively involved in monitoring and investigating issues related to RF exposure. For example, the FDA has issued guidelines for safe RF emission levels from microwave ovens, and it continues to monitor exposure issues related to the use of certain RF devices such as cellular telephones. NIOSH conducts investigations and health hazard assessments related to occupational RF exposure.

Federal, state and local government agencies and other organizations have generally relied on RF exposure standards developed by expert non-government organizations such as the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) and the National Council on Radiation Protection and Measurements (NCRP). Since 1996, the FCC has required that all wireless communications devices sold in the United States meet its minimum guidelines for safe human exposure to radiofrequency (RF) energy. The FCC’s guidelines and rules regarding RF exposure are based upon standards developed by IEEE and NCRP and input from other federal agencies, such as those listed above. These guidelines specify exposure limits for hand-held wireless devices in terms of the Specific Absorption Rate (SAR). The SAR is a measure of the rate that RF energy is absorbed by the body. For exposure to RF energy from wireless devices, the allowable FCC SAR limit is 1.6 watts per kilogram (W/kg), as averaged over one gram of tissue.

Some health and safety interest groups have interpreted certain reports to suggest that wireless device use may be linked to cancer and other illnesses, posing potentially greater risks for children than adults. While these assertions have gained increased public attention, currently no scientific evidence establishes a causal link between wireless device use and cancer or other illnesses. Those evaluating the potential risks of using wireless devices agree that more and longer-term studies should explore whether there is a better basis for RF safety standards than is currently used. The FCC closely monitors all of these study results. However, at this time, there is no basis on which to establish a different safety threshold than our current requirements.” (source)


Every organ of our bodies operate with their own polarized frequencies. Our brains, our hearts and our nervous systems all operate using magnetism and the electrical transfer of energy. Doctors attempt to bring someone back to life when their heart has stopped, athletes use biorhythmic pulses to help induce faster twitch muscle action and psychiatric hospitals use mental shock to alter brain waves in patients.

There is also pulsed frequencies, like what makes a heart beat and the continuous electrical flows which allow our operating system to stay within a certain range of frequency. Alter that frequency and the cells in our body begin to mutate and perform sporadically altering everything from our moods to our abilities to think and act clearly to our reproduction systems. Physics now tells us that if we can change either the magnetic field or the electrical field of the atom, we literally change that atom and its elements within our body.

Just last year San Francisco tried to be the first city to make cell phone manufacturers publish their radiation readings or Specific Absorption Rates (SAR) but in the 11th hour Big Wireless shut it down. (Note that they were not even talking about towers, just specific rates of radiated energy on individual cell and ‘smart’ phones.)


Earlier this year, the BioInitiative Working Group, a body of 29 independent scientists and health experts from 10 countries, launched a scathing attack on the inadequacy of the current standards. The report’s authors, re-iterating their position as published five years earlier, concluded:

“The clear consensus of the BioInitiative Working Group members is that the existing public safety limits are inadequate for both ELF (extremely low frequency electromagnetic fields) and RF (radio frequency radiation).”

Growing calls for improved wireless safety standards

A growing number of public health bodies are asking that the current wireless safety standards be reviewed. In 2011, the World Health Organization (WHO) classified radio frequency electromagnetic fields as a Group 2B possible carcinogen. Doctors groups are sounding the alarm. In its 2012 position paper, the American Academy of Environmental Medicine stated, “Multiple studies correlate RF exposure with diseases such as cancer, neurological disease, reproductive disorders, immune dysfunction, and electromagnetic hypersensitivity.”

Similarly, the International Society of Doctors for the Environment (ISDE) and Irish Doctors Environmental Association (IDEA) state that “there is sufficient scientific evidence to warrant more stringent controls on the level and distribution of electromagnetic radiation.”

Many of Sources of Electromagnetic Pollution

We have ever more powerful (more radiating) ‘smart’ cell phones on our person, wireless phones and wifi throughout our homes and office. Blue tooth wireless in our cars and even your keyless remote car and garage door opener’s that operate in these same frequency bands of long wave radio and micro waves. Most of these devices are always in search pulse mode sending out low magnetic waves.

Additionally our military and government have placed their own network of cell towers called the Worldwide Interoperability of Microwave Access (WIMAX) and the GWEN Towers (Ground-Wave Emergency Network) that the military has installed to operate separate from all other WiFi systems. The GWEN system alone transmits ground level waves for 250-300 miles and there are over 300 such stations installed and in use. (Source)

Additionally, in 1985 there were only 900 cell phone towers in the U.S., now we are at 1.6 MILLION, all constantly transmitting RF and microwave energies as you drive your car on all highways and byways. And as you can read below the government has serious plans in partnering with Google and Microsoft to more than double the available towers as well as boost more power for better transmission and data transfer. To see the number of cell towers in your area click here.

Add to that the planned final installation of 57.9 million ‘Smart Meter’s’ that are currently being installed in the U.S. along with the next phase of the planned national ‘Smart Water’ meters to monitor and control our home water supplies. (Source)

And don’t forget the ‘newest’ fads of WiSee gesture recognition devices that can remotely control your audio, tv, lighting by wireless radiation that is constantly scanning you (source) and the Google Glass, set directly next to the temple to your brain emitting radiation (source) and Wireless ‘Smart’ watches that will monitor your bodies like taking your pulse and reading your vital signs. (source).

(Hint: If you see the word ‘Smart’ in any product it is a really dumb product for those that use it but really ‘smart’ for those selling it and those who wish to monitor and control others with it.)

The new Apple 3G Ipad has 5 Antennas (source) and surely we will be seeing 5G, 6G, etc. until we reach critical mass of ‘Oh Gee, look at everyone with cancer” moment when the masses figure out all the latest tech they tote and wear is killing them.

“The new iPad boasts five antennas in all, two for cell reception, two for Wi-Fi/Bluetooth connectivity and one more for GPS. In fact, iFixit says Apple is using the whole LCD frame as an antenna.”

Furthermore, plans are well underway to add wireless to our roadways to ease congestion and monitor traffic. Again we see the same players, Google and Microsoft driving the wireless buildout globally to encompass every square inch of land on the planet (source):

“Plans to use wireless technology to ease traffic congestion, regulate motorway speeds and monitor people’s personal health were set out on Wednesday by the broadcast regulator Ofcom. In a briefing, the Ofcom chief executive Ed Richards set out plans for the future use of radio spectrum, which he said was of “vital” importance to the UK economy, contributing an estimated £52 billion a year. Explaining that spectrum supply was under pressure from rising demand from smartphone and tablet use he outlined futuristic projects for maximising the resource. Over the next six months, partners including Microsoft, BT and Google are to take part in road-testing “white space” technology to exploit currently unused spaces in the broadcasting frequency band.”

Radiating Children

The rollout of smart meters proceeds alongside increased installation of wireless technology and cell phone towers in and around schools in the US. In 2010 Professor Magda Havas conducted a study of schools in 50 US state capitols and Washington DC to determine students’ potential exposure to nearby cell towers. A total 6,140 schools serving 2.3 million students were surveyed using the antennasearch.com database. Of these, 13% of the schools serving 299,000 students have a cell tower within a quarter mile of school grounds, and another 50% of the schools where 1,145,000 attend have a tower within a 0.6 mile radius. The installation of wireless networks and now smart meters on and around school properties further increases children’s RF exposure.

Many school districts that are strapped for cash in the face of state budget cuts are willing to ignore the abundance of scientific research on RF dangers and sign on with telecom companies to situate cell towers directly on school premises. Again, the FCC’s thermal effect rule is invoked to justify tower placement together with a disregard of the available studies.

Microwaves, Mutations and the Military ~ They’ve Known for Decades

Keep in mind, the military has 2 objectives: to understand “Can we hurt people with this?” and “How do we protect our side if the other side has this weapon?” So ALL sides and ALL militaries (Russia, UK, USA, Canada etc.) after learning a thing or two started to play around with this technology and as they went further, most of the projects went underground.

Why? This happened because they figured out that this may be the greatest weapon known to man, if not at that time, certainly in the future. It is invisible, can travel large distances, costs very little, is tasteless, odorless, you can’t hear it and when being hit by it, the enemy has no idea it is even happening.

If you want to dig into this further, a great, possibly the best source for data on all of this is here:

Recall why military documents are so important. They only want to know exact specifics, no lawyers, no lobbyists etc. “Can they kill us? Can we kill them?” That’s it. This graphic displays more of what they found:


#3Mongolism. Don’t know what that is? (keep in mind this doc is from 1976 so ‘terms’ change over time) Simply put, this is Down’s Syndrome. Yes, that’s right, the military is fully aware that microwave radiation can cause these types of birth defects. Of course, so is industry, but they say nothing, too much money to be made. Note as well # 2 “Mutations” See this link on Autism, here.

Secret Plans for Massive Private/Public Further Wireless Buildout

Recently released secret documents have been revealed that the government, along with mega companies Google, Microsoft, et. al and the elite universities plan to roll out a entirely new private/public spectrum of significantly more radiated power that will net them $3.2 TRILLION dollars over the next decade.

They met in secret in July 2012 at the White House and the meeting was titled ‘Realizing the Full Potential of Government-Held Spectrum to Spur Economic Growth.’ The newly doubled wireless spectrum, that Obama has already signed off on, will be put under government control and supervision for private corporation profit…$ 3.2 Trillion worth. The buildout will also significantly increase wifi radiation. (summary) and (power point presentation)


It is nearly impossible to escape wifi radiation, yet the evidence is overwhelming that it is making us very ill and even killing us by attacking us at the molecular cell level, especially our children, as you can read below.

Science has shown that we have heightened senses of awareness, intuition, integrity and a general feeling of well being when our energy fields are clear, in normal operating ranges and working properly. This fact is beautifully expressed in this you tube talk by Manly Hally some 40 years ago. In this speech he explains how our electromagnetic fields are critical to keep our physical, mental and spiritual states of being active. He states that when our natural vibrational frequencies get out of sync we are prone to get more mental and physical illness’, become more lethargic and have increased organ failures like heart attacks. (Source).


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