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HILARIOUS! Beck and crew burn Alex Jones. Hard.
The Right Scoop Mar. 25, 2011 1:09 pm Mar. 25, 2011 1:11 pm by The Right Scoop • 94 Comments   

Oh man this is the things that Fridays are made of. Beck and crew take a few minutes to burn Alex Jones and his ego over his interview with Charlie Sheen. I mean, this ain’t the kind of burn that your mom puts aloe on and you go back out and play. This is a fourth-degree-I-need-a-skin-transplant burn. Ouch!


    Alex Jones needs to be exposed for the cracked pot he is. Wish someone had audio of him claiming to have captured a “Draco” (mythical creature from outer space). That was his act before his current 9/11 truther act. Guy is a nut case.
        User ID Incorrect

        No matter how Alex Jones re-packages himself, he can’t escape years of absolutely crazy behavior on his show carried on shortwave radio giant Worldwide Christian Radio/Genesis Communications Network. He used to cry even more than GB and call police officers “pigs”. Jones practically invented conspiracy theory based radio and was much more extreme in his views before he managed to go “mainstream”. Coast2Coast AM wouldn’t go near him when Art Bell was in charge. Now he’s on C2C quite often and getting links to his websites from Drudge. Crazy!
        User ID Incorrect

        No matter how Alex Jones re-packages himself, he can’t escape years of absolutely crazy behavior on his show carried on shortwave radio giant Worldwide Christian Radio/Genesis Communications Network. He used to cry even more than GB and call police officers “pigs”. Jones practically invented conspiracy theory based radio and was much more extreme in his views before he managed to go “mainstream”. Coast2Coast AM wouldn’t go near him when Art Bell was in charge. Now he’s on C2C quite often and getting links to his websites from Drudge. Crazy!

        Jones has an interesting website covering pretty much all the same stuff Glenn posts up on The Blaze – albeit from an entirely different angle, it seems.


        Jones is pretty bombastic, I much prefer the quiet measure of James Corbett: http://www.thecorbettreport.com (tons of open source references on his podcasts)and Tony Cartalucci: http://www.landdestroyer.blogspot.com.

        Calling all this attention to Alex Jones – even through ridicule – just makes it that much easier for people to find him. What’s the point of that? Better to just ignore him if the goal is to marginalize him.
            Glenn Delirious

            Its actually the other way around. I dont really like either of them frankly but i have been following both of them for a long time now and jones is ten out of ten times out in front of Beck in putting information out.
        Alex Constantine

        Yeah i wish you could produce that audio as well because i dont think it ever happened. Mainly because i have heard Jones say that he doesn’t believe the UFO’s Draco stuff and specifically called out David Icke (the main blood drinking Draco guy) in a BBC documentary called the “the lizards and the jews”. So get to work on finding that because you are either mistaken or a liar.

            Of course there is NO evidance of JONES talking about ALIEN BS. JONES is totall ABBHORED at those IDIOTIC “ART BELL” SYNCOPHANTS. Look, I am a LICENSED Radio Operator and have been in MANY Conversations with Art Bell, who is a really petty little prick. Even Art Bell is contemptious of his ALIEN SIGHTINGS guests. ART ADMITTEDLY SET UP LINDA MULTAH-HOWE with a GOVERNMENT DISINFORMATION AGENT, and ASK Art Bell’s SON about why his Dad Fled to the Phillipines, where CHILD SEX and INCESTIOUS BEHAVIOUS is legal!

            AND, WIlliam Cooper made a Broadcast to make his observation “9-11 was NOT a attack on America, it was a ATTACK on the WORLD BANK! And the GREATEST GOLD HIEST in history!” William Cooper was DEAD in less than a week! Cooper also “PINNED” Jones as a CIA ASSET & PROVACITOR!

        Yeah i wish you could produce that audio as well because i dont think it ever happened. Mainly because i have heard Jones say that he doesn’t believe the UFO’s Draco stuff and specifically called out David Icke (the main blood drinking Draco guy) in a BBC documentary called the “the lizards and the jews”. So get to work on finding that because you are either mistaken or a liar.

        Yeah i wish you could produce that audio as well because i dont think it ever happened. Mainly because i have heard Jones say that he doesn’t believe the UFO’s Draco stuff and specifically called out David Icke (the main blood drinking Draco guy) in a BBC documentary called the “the lizards and the jews”. So get to work on finding that because you are either mistaken or a liar.

        Alex started out on Local Indy Radio in AUstin, I WAS THE ENGINEER at that Station; I can assure you, ALEX hates stupid UFO tripe, Furthermore, You are a LIAR. As a menber of the MILITARY AFFILATE RADIO SERVICE (M.A.R.S.) over 40 years, I see you as a IDIOT in need of Psychiatric Commitment.
    Star Spankled

    OMG ! HAhahahaha !!!
    TOAST !!

    is there any good reason why this conversation took place? glenn i know i’m expecting way too much but really, there goes 2 minutes i’ll never get back!

        I was working with a head-phone radio on during this, & Pat or Stu were so spot-on with Jones’s voice i didn’t know real from spoff. (the boys were in TEXAS having fun, well deserved!)
        For all Glenn & company do to EXPOSE all the real garabage everyday, THE BOYS WERE IN VACATION COMEDY MODE. THEY NEED THE RELEASE!!!

        I remember thinking during this, come-on guys what about the home-schoolers, too much info, BUT, the imitation was soo good, it was hard to not to laugh out loud, (which i did) & the guys i was working with KNEW without listening, Glenn’s getting silly!

    After listening to this,all I can say is, WAY TOO MUCH INFORMATION!!!!

    mostly homoerotic frat house nonsense. If you think this is a burn, you should get back to middle school. Beck gets back to his morning zoo roots on this one.

    alex sounds like he is “winning” with charlie, lol but those of you who havent listened to alex that much, some of the stuff he says is interesting, but, it is just that, entertainment. i guess what was missing on his show was and elephant to eat those nuts that have fallen out of the tree, lol

        Though there are things I question with Alex Jones as well as I do Beck not everything AJ says is entertainment…research it yourself and you will see.
            GB/AJ 2012

            Correct, Cheryl…

            I think it’s a shame that these two can’t just put their differences aside and work together. Both have had their “problems” over the years, yet now are principle bearers of much hidden truth being brought to light. Shaping-up and pulling together would improve their credibility.

            Hmmm… perhaps someday, when Glenn leaves FOX…… ;^]

            cheryl, i agree with ya there, being in tx, alot of what he talks about happens to effect tx directly. just his ufo, and the 9/11 stuff, makes him look like a quack.

                I understand, I take with a grain of salt some of Jone’s stuff as well as Beck-neither knows everything! Remember while they are reporting facts they do interject their opinions-and that is all that it is. Some of it is true-their opinions and thoughts and some isn’t…I guess each person has to decide for themselves.

            I have watched GB for a couple of years, and I have watched AJ for about a year. I subscribe, and study both of them. What I noticed about Glenn is that he falls short. He peaks on a subject just short of taking it to a world level. He hits Obama hard, and even Bush at times, but he doesn’t finish the picture. He recently covered the Fed using one of Alex Jone’s long time sources. He tends to be six months to ten years behind AJ.

            AJ takes each issue all the way. There have been some objectionable sources used, but most are open and honest, and give good information. Many sources don’t agree with AJ on everything, but they have excellent perspectives that allow the viewer to make up their own mind.

            Personally, I prefer a guy who doesn’t seem to be hiding anything. Glenn seems to be very selective, and often contradicts himself. AJ sometimes blows numbers out of proportion, but the gist of what he is saying isn’t compromised.

            As an AJ subscriber, I often download the show and then skip forward to the interviews. People like Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, give awesome information.

            It is obvious that Glenn takes info from AJ, and uses it to counter the extreme view of AJ. The Fed show the other day was a good example. If you can go back and watch it, you will see what I mean. I think that I posted on his contradictory statements.

            As far as Charlie Sheen is concerned, AJ said flat out “I can use this exposure to get my message out”. By telling people that he and Charlie were hanging out and doing certain things, he is demonstrating his friendship with him so that people will be interested in who he is and what he has to say. At least he calls it like it is.

            I watched the interview, and Glenn is being as petty as it gets. It is funny, and that is his right. But some of the posts on here went straight to bashing AJ.

                On all your points.

                I always get the feeling Glenn wants me to look behind THIS curtain, all the while tap-dancing around and distracting me from even noticing THAT curtain behind him. What’s up with that?

                AJ goes after ALL the curtains in the room; ripping them down, letting the chips fall as they may. Gotta give the wild man credit for that.

                As far as Charlie Sheen is concerned, I’m betting he KNEW when he was giving AJ that original interview that it was going to propel AJ onto the national/international platform. Mr. Sheen is a shrewd brand marketer and a loyal friend (by AJ’s own accounts).

                    It could be actually. They might have talked about how wild it was going to be before hand, but Alex did seem pretty uncomfortable when Sheen was going off. AJ has been on a lot of national shows before, and talks about taking advantage of it when he can.


    Tears of laughter are literally streaming down my face.

    GB hurts himself with his radio show. Whatever credibility he gains with his TV show, he ruins with his radio show. Oh well, maybe he will figure that out someday and maybe it’s ok with him. GB just shouldn’t cry when the White House or Washington doesn’t take him seriously.

        Amidst all of the chaos the world is in, you need a light, funny moment.
        User ID Incorrect

        I was talking with friends the other day and we all had to agree that none of us still listen to Glenn’s radio show very much. It’s just getting too depressing with all the doom and gloom. I don’t trust people who wear their religion on their sleeve and Glenn has been doing way too much evangelizing for me. Who knows how this will all shake out but GB is losing listeners on radio and there are too many anti-GB columns being written by Conservatives. Something’s up.

            By ‘conservatives’ I take it you mean RINOs and/or neo-cons???

            Documentation, please!! Perhaps you could name just a few columnists for us – one or two would be helpful!!!!

    Gotta admit, this guy is hilarious:

    I knew this would be posted, this made me fall out of my chair laughing!

    I’ve tried watching Alex Jones a few times, his documentarys look good, but after about 5mins I saw Jessie Ventura and Willie Nelson, then I saw enough.

    I’m still laughing……this is a “winning” segment from Glenn!!!!!!!
    destroyer of moonbats

    i respect alex more than glen.
    User Id Incorrect

    GB should avoid making more enemies at this point. Alex Jones is on the upswing lately with more and more links to his websites from Drudge. Jones is a nut job but has learned when to clean up his act and appear sane when he needs to. I agree this wasn’t all that funny either. I hear better comedy from the local DJs in the morning.

        Drudge links to Al-Jazeera as well and your point is?
            User ID Incorrect

            Drudge does link to a lot of different sources but I was still surprised that Drudge linked to sites run by Alex Jones. Jones has a fan base that’s just as loyal as GB enjoys. Jones and Beck agree on a great many things and it may be a tactical error to get the Jones fans ticked off at GB more than they already are. In-fighting like this doesn’t do our cause any good.

                @User ID Incorrect: “Jones has a fan base that’s just as loyal as GB enjoys.”

                I couldn’t believe that at all – so I checked it out to prove you wrong.

                Except, according to Rolling Stone (yeah, I know it’s not a reliable source at all) Jones has an online audience BIGGER THAN GB AND RUSHBO COMBINED.


                What’s THAT all about?
                That makes no sense whatsoever.

                    From watching AJ on the internet, it appears that his global audience is growing rapidly. Many people calling in about Fukashima were calling from Japan. People call in from Germany, Egypt, Brazil, you name it. I don’t know about his radio audience, but he claims that he is picking up multiple stations each week.

                    Personally, I think that it is because people are not seeing Glenn Beck and Rush as alternative anymore. They like to see and hear a guy who doesn’t appear to care what anyone thinks, and will speak his mind freely. Glenn is too wishy washy.
            User ID Incorrect

            Drudge does link to a lot of different sources but I was still surprised that Drudge linked to sites run by Alex Jones. Jones has a fan base that’s just as loyal as GB enjoys. Jones and Beck agree on a great many things and it may be a tactical error to get the Jones fans ticked off at GB more than they already are. In-fighting like this doesn’t do our cause any good.

    ha, for someone with a slightly controversial past himself, pretty funny. Grow up glenn, yes we all love a good high school drama story, used to be a loser, ha, look at me now. Alex is a stand up guy, like him or not, you’ve shown your true colors with this one.

    Ah the “Jonesians” have landed I see.

        I expected them to crawl out from under their rock when RS posted this. Alex Jones spends a lot of time bashing Beck, while Beck rarely mentions Alex Jones. It’s about time Beck said something.

            Jones has been upset with Beck ever since Glenn did the program some time back debunking the FEMA camp conspiracy that Jones was running with.
                User ID Incorrect

                Believe me, the FEMA camp conspiracy pales in comparison to some of the crazy theories Jones has presented in the past. Years ago, when nobody knew who he was, he did a series on the World Trade Center towers. He had “experts” on who had “proof” the towers were taken down by miniature H-bombs. If GB wants to take on Jones, he has plenty of material to work with. I’m just not sure it’s a good idea.

                    I don’t think Beck would hold his own in a one on one with AJ. AJ knows his stuff right off the top of his head, and can rant specifics at will. I think that Beck needs his teleprompter, and a planned out show. I would love to see it. I would even pay good money for that one.


                        Both GB and AJ were both on The View (not at the same time, however).

                        Glenn got his ‘nads handed back to him after the ladies clean sheared them off.

                        Alex Culture-Jammed them so hard and so fast that when the smoke finally cleared, Barbara Walters was shaken and the rest of the ladies speechless.

                        GB knows AJ would clean his clock in ANY kind of match-up.
                        Safer for Glenn to let his sidekicks take pot-shots at AJ as RS clip clearly shows.


            And Beck’s faith teaches him that one day he will have his own planet and that God had to have sex with Mary in order to bring about Jesus. His faith also teaches that people can become gods and goddesses and that Lucifer and Jesus were brothers…I could go on and on but I won’t.

            Beck consistently uses the word “truth” in just about everything he says, but if his foundation is wrong then how can he have “the truth” about everything else? I listen to him with great caution…I know he states alot of facts but I don’t know that his interpretations are correct…but then again Beck always leaves room for the possibility that his understanding could be wrong…and the entire time he is doing this he not only has the support of many Christians but along with that he makes a heafty living out of it all.

                It seems to me that Christians should have better discernment. Not to mention a good understanding of the cults. If anyone should be looking for deception, it should be Christians.

    [i]”You what…I’ve seen your hernia”!![/i] LOL!!!!!!!!!! to funny!

    I have to say, I was pretty disappointed with Glenn and his cohorts. For someone who tells us how we should live, I don’t think making fun of people who are trying to expose the truth is helping anything. It just makes Glenn look mean and petty. Alex Jones has been saying the things Glenn has for years. So Alex says some off the wall things sometimes, but so does Glenn. He really should not be making fun of others. I like Glenn, but I listen to Alex on occasion and he makes some excellent points. Why are they taking potshots at each other? Save those for the people trying to destroy this country, not those exposing them!

        I think Jones preys on paranoid people, but so does Glenn…and he tears down people like Debra Medina who not only was the ONLY candidate running for Texas governor that signed the 9/12 pledge, she was right on virtually EVERY issue that Glenn supposedly supports. Instead, Glenn crucified her on national radio in conjunction with two local Houston radio stations, the Perry campaign, and the GOP state handlers. Glenn does some good stuff, but he can also be a rabid opportunist and very petty, smug person.

    piss pants funny.

    This is what happens when you have years of suppressed homosexual desire (and magic underwear) . Do all mormans act like this? Gay much?

        Goodbye Troll, get thee back under thy rock that thou hast crawled from under.

    Burn baby burn. Can’t stand Alex Jones and found this hilarious. Nice to have a break from henny penny the sky is falling, which by the way it is. I love Pat and Stu they are perfect side kicks. I like them as a trio, they work well and have the chemistry it takes for radio.
        User ID Incorrect

        The only thing I would add to your comment is that sometimes I have trouble figuring out who is talking. Glenn and Pat have very similar voices when coming through a car radio or a portable.

            That’s true.
    Stacey Shoemaker

    that was so funny it took me 5 mins to catch my breath from laughing so hard!
    Steven Valdez

    weak sauce, alex jones has burned glenn beck harder than that…
    Steven Valdez

    weak sauce, alex jones has burned glenn beck harder than that…
    Cheryl Herin

    I heard it this morning and laughed my butt off. Here’s a flashback to the DNC convention in Denver where Alex Jones tried to incite a crowd against Michelle Malkin:


    By the way, I pray that Michelle finds her cousin safe and sound.

    This is classic GB form. He doesn’t want to be labeled by his audience as a conspiracy theorist.
    His show tonight is supposed to be about the mother-of-all conspiracy theory labels, “the Birchers vs. the Fed”, so he preempts his critics by doing a morning-zoo style roast of Alex Jones. Why? Alex Jones owns the Bilderberg’s/Bircher/anti-Fed platform.

    Glenn Beck thinks Alex Jones will be bad for the Brand. So Glenn roasts Alex Jones in the morning, then steals his horse and rides it that night.

    It’s a functional strategy and probably steers audience opinion effectively, but I really wish he would quit it. It cuts both ways, like when Glenn tries to woo Libertarians.

    “I don’t hate Libertarians, some of my best friends are Libertarians….. remember…like when I interviewed Penn Jillette…..we talked….we’re friends”

    If you think this was funny, remember “If you live by the sword, you will die by the sword.”
    -Jesus to Peter in response to the clever tactic of cutting off the ear of one of the Temple guards.

        lighten up people, laugh a lot, it will make your heart healthy, why the fuss, this is entertaining, not a back stab of Jones by glen and the boys. If you can’t find humor in this segment you are worser than a radical Islam….I said that !!!!
        Lighten the hell up….Jones don’t need your defensive effort here, he is not attacked by the boys, whatever happen for the fun of roasting ….
    Maxwell Genaw

    Sounds like Glenn Beck is getting scared of Alex Jones I think it might be a competition thing, who cares both are exposing the New World Order both have a different way of distributing there views. Alex Jones however is a little more truthful and a lot more forceful then Glenn Beck I disagree with Glenn Beck position on bashing on 9/11 truthers and birthers we are in America Glenn? freedom of speech? I disagree with Alex Jones that the US Government planned 9/11 I do believe the US Government created the atmosphere for the attack and they used the attack *Never let a good crisis go to waste* to take more of American freedoms away.

    Point is hate or love Alex or Glenn Back….
    We need to get rid of the Federal Reserve and have congress print our currency it’s not perfect no system is but it’s better than this boom and bust constant cycle.

        Are you kidding me? Jones is a fraud. Infowars takes work form others and takes credit for it regularly, especially from Human Events. Then they tell people they are the only legit source of news and that only they are saying what they are saying and it is such BS. 2/3 of what is on Alex Jones is true, but the problem is that they surround it with a cult of personality hyped narrative.

        Than they say things that cannot support. They will show you A + B and A + B = C and then say hey look A + B = C over there so that means what we said about XYZ is true – well no it doesn’t it means the A B C was true. They use logical fallacies like that to go off into cookdom regularly.
            Maxwell Genaw

            Glenn Beck is the fraud not Alex no one is perfect but I would choose Alex over Glenn Beck.

            Alex Jones has been around for a while longer talking about these things going on all over the world and the country. Whether you agree with him or not Beck surely gets some of his info from him, both have good points both are probably missing it in other areas, both probably fight for the ratings-though I don’t know what Jones gets paid I do know that Beck makes a lot of MONEY from all that he does!

                What in the world do you have against earning money???? You are beginning to sound pro-socialism – with the number of complaints about GB and his $.

            Alex Jones has been around for a while longer talking about these things going on all over the world and the country. Whether you agree with him or not Beck surely gets some of his info from him, both have good points both are probably missing it in other areas, both probably fight for the ratings-though I don’t know what Jones gets paid I do know that Beck makes a lot of MONEY from all that he does!

            Alex Jones has been around for a while longer talking about these things going on all over the world and the country. Whether you agree with him or not Beck surely gets some of his info from him, both have good points both are probably missing it in other areas, both probably fight for the ratings-though I don’t know what Jones gets paid I do know that Beck makes a lot of MONEY from all that he does!

        Why do you think Beck is afraid Of Jones? Beck and crew did one little skit about Jones and you followers of Jones goes crazy. Jones spends hours bashing Beck.

        As to Beck being a fraud, put your money where your mouth is.

        I’m not bashing Jones except for his attacks on Beck, which Jones does out of fear that Beck is more popular.

            I think Beck is scared of Alex Jones because Glenn knows that the old dinosaur media such as his tv show can not compete with the internet. There are millions of viewers watching Alex’s films and listening to his show online, Alex’s show is growing rapidly every day, on the other hand Glenn Beck keeps getting dropped from different radio stations. There should not be a crowd that follows just Beck and just Jones we need to come together and stop bashing each other, the enemy is the Federal Reserve not freedom loving people. Glenn and Alex should do a show together that would be awesome! just think of the viewership.

                Beck is getting dropped because there are too many liberals/socialists that fear the info Beck is putting out about their quest to destroy this country. Obviously these same people don’t fear Jones. If Beck doing one little skit about Jones shows that Beck fears Jones, then the hours Jones dedicates to Beck bashing would show that Jones is the one that is afraid.

                I have a lot of Alex’s documentaries and I have seen no proof that the government had anything to do with 9/11. I also believe there is nothing wrong with questioning what really happened. Although Jones conspiracies are way out there,I watch each one with an open mind.

                It was about time Beck came back at Jones, but now it’s time for them to concentrate on fighting the enemy instead of each other.

                    @User ID Incorrect: “Jones has a fan base that’s just as loyal as GB enjoys.”

                    According to Rolling Stone (now there’s a reliable source, right?) Jones has an online audience bigger than GB and Rush COMBINED.


                    What’s THAT all about?

                    Have things really gotten so out of control for the Right/RINOs that people are ‘getting it’ that the whole Left/Right, Liberal/Conservative, Republican/Democrat, Soros/Murdoch, HuffPo-DailyKos/FOX-Blaze thang is an utterly false dichotomy designed to keep us from seeing the puppetmasters/NWO/UN/CFR/Bilderbergers above pulling the strings?

                    Isn’t it a bit early for that?

            “As to Beck being a fraud, put your money where your mouth is.”

            Ahhhh, now you gone an dun it.


            According to Jones, GB “rips me off and spins the information, often injecting lies into the truth.”

            Those are harsh accusations.
            Jones better have some proof to back up the charges.

            He does.

                Show which one of Jones documentaries proves that our government was behind 911. Not accusations, but proof. Again I point out, I’m all looking for the truth, so i have nothing against people that have suspicions about what happened.

                    As an infowars subscriber I have watched many interviews with architects, engineers, and many witnesses who were in the buildings. Not to mention all of the people who have been trying to do their own investigations, and have been blocked by government from getting information that should simply be public knowledge. Alex shows clearly that there has been a cover up from the beginning. He never said that he knows every detail, but there is so much evidence that they have been lying to the public that I cannot help but to wonder what the truth is. I guess that makes me a “truther”, but so be it.

                        I have at least 25 of his full length documentaries plus other videos and there is nothing that proves the government is involved in the attack. As to a cover up, I still don’t know. I also see no problem with seeking the truth. The problem I have with Jones is he he needs to constantly attack competitors. Before Beck ,he was attacking William Cooper, calling him a drunk.

                        As I mentioned, I, saw nothing that shows the government was involved in the attack, and I would appreciate you showing me the proof. I’m not trying to be argumentative, but do care what happened.

                        The way the buildings fell do look suspicious as if they were controlled explosions.

                        I even took approx 6 seconds of building 7 falling and converted almost 170 frames to jpgs, and it was suspicious. Still no proof the government was involved.

                        I don’t blame Beck for coming back on Jones since Jones spends a lot of time attacking Beck. Now it’s time to concentrate on fighting the real enemy.
                        Have a great evening.


                Alex Jones Didn’t Predict 9/11 Bill Cooper Did

    @User ID Incorrect: “Jones has a fan base that’s just as loyal as GB enjoys.”

    According to Rolling Stone (now there’s a reliable source, right?) Jones has an online audience bigger than GB and Rush COMBINED.


    What’s THAT all about?

    Have things really gotten so out of control for the Right/RINOs that people are ‘getting it’ that the whole Left/Right, Liberal/Conservative, Republican/Democrat, Soros/Murdoch, HuffPo-DailyKos/FOX-Blaze thang is an utterly false dichotomy designed to keep us from seeing the puppetmasters/NWO/UN/CFR/Bilderbergers above pulling the strings?

    Isn’t it a bit early for that?

    @User ID Incorrect: “Jones has a fan base that’s just as loyal as GB enjoys.”

    According to Rolling Stone (now there’s a reliable source, right?) Jones has an online audience bigger than GB and Rush COMBINED.


    What’s THAT all about?

    Have things really gotten so out of control for the Right/RINOs that people are ‘getting it’ that the whole Left/Right, Liberal/Conservative, Republican/Democrat, Soros/Murdoch, HuffPo-DailyKos/FOX-Blaze thang is an utterly false dichotomy designed to keep us from seeing the puppetmasters/NWO/UN/CFR/Bilderbergers above pulling the strings?

    Isn’t it a bit early for that?

    Although I haven’t listened to Alex Jones myself, so I can’t critique his opinions, I have listened to Beck for a while. I don’t agree with Beck on all things, so I probably wouldn’t agree with AJ on all things either. That being said, I’d have to agree with a few of you here that NONE of us who think America is a pretty good place, should be fighting each other. The enemy is real, if you don’t believe me, do a search for “The creature from Jekyll Island” go read the online interview, the .pdf is a free DL. Edward Griffen does a great job explaining the FED, how it started, who started it, why it’s nothing more than a ponzi scheme in the form of a hidden tax on we the people. Tomorrow, when the stores open, I’m going to go buy the book and study it. I’m certainly no economist, but if what he claims is true, the families that are connected to the FED, in any way, should be jailed, and all of their collective wealth should be confiscated by Congress in the name of the people of America. A dozen families and associates have stolen our wealth right out from under our noses, with the backing of the U.S. Government.
    All I can say is WTF?

    LOOK, I heart gb and aj,too, but you guys need take it easy! They both are who they are! Thats why I heart them! Listen, learn, research and always seek the truth.
    When the excrement hits the fan we will all need each other. By the looks of it i think the “simianus” has just reached behind his back.



    No matter what People’s opinions of Alex are, he is one of the People, who put his ass on the line to wake us all up. At times, I have been put out by some of his rants, too. But the bottom line is, he backs up what he is saying with witnesses and documentation. It is no coincidence that much of what he has told us would occur, actually occurred, just as he and his guests have predicted it would.

        Yeah, Alex Jones is one of the people. That’s why he lives in a $1 million McMansion in a gated community in one of the most exclusive neighborhoods in Austin, Texas. LOL
    Raa Bjorn


    How do you bash Alex Jones and praise Glenn Beck when Glenn Beck is slowly airing Alex Jones type material? I will admit..Alex Jones is a bit much but no matter who you are and what you think you can not argue the fact of documented evidence which he continues to talk about unlike everyone else..why do you think Glenn Beck has become so famous so quickly? Issues like the Fabian Socialist, the Federal Reserve, Global Banking Elite, ect are all issues that Alex Jone was talking about years ago and Glenn Beck is just now catching up to. Glenn Beck is “uncovering every conspiracy under the sun” all as of late, and he even dubbed him self the poster boy for conspiracy theory. He has people like G. Edward Griffin and Gerald Celente on his show and he praises them even though they are 9/11 truthers, Bilderberg believers, and birthers…and good friends with Alex Jones and are in most his newer movies….but Glenn Beck bashes Alex Jones?…..Hmmmm
    By the way….I DVR Glenn Beck every day and Listen to Alex Jones daily so I actually hear what both are saying about the same issues and not just what get posted on the net..Just my 2 cents.

    Alex Jones Exposed


    Please explain “Building 7”.. Why did Larry Silverstein put an insurance claim on the twin towers weeks BEFORE 9/11? To those who still believe 9/11 was done by some fools in a cave on the other side of the world really need to have their heads checked or stop eating gmo’s and consuming sodium flouride.

    Alex Jones is a true american patriot. Glen Beck is a total poser who tries to image himself after Alex Jones in a more politically correct manner. Alex Jones is truth. If people can’t spend the time to actually figure that out and would rather be brain washed by mainstream media “FAUX” news then they deserve what their gonna get.

    Hey Glenn,
    good luck on your early retirement!!!! buhahahahahah! you should not have stolen the Jones conspiracy platform and added your own foreign policy supporting B.S… You were a good entertainer though, even if it was only half-truth’s..

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